Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Senator Murkowski Listens to Her Constituents and Victory Dangles Close

Senator Lisa Murkowski listened to her large passionate base of supporters in Alaska, many of whom are Natives, and ran as a write-in candidate to reclaim her senate seat. The political powers in the Lower '48 told her it couldn't be done....but little did they know that you should never tell a strong Alaskan woman she can't do something, especially when she has the power of the most amazing state in the union behind her.

Victory is now dangling close for Lisa Murkowski and at this time it appears it is in the rear view mirror for tea party candidate Joe Miller.

Alaska Natives around the state rallied individually and corporately for Lisa. Individuals happily vented support at their social networking sites and gave her campaign a great boost. By doing this they helped persuade many undecided people to fill in the oval and spell M-U-R-K-O-W-S-K-I.

What was unique about Lisa Murkowski in this race is that she brought both the democratic and republican voters together. Even elected democrats publicly came out in support of Lisa. Such unprecedented support from both democrats and republicans is quite rare in most senate races. The reason she has gained this support is not because of what she has promised she will do for both sides, it is because Lisa Murkowski has already EARNED support with her actions.

Whether you are an indigenous person living in Alaska, or living in the States, losing Lisa would impact you. She is an strong supporter of indigenous rights. Losing Lisa, would have been losing a lot. She is a champion for the successful Native 8(a) Program which helps our Tribes and Alaska Natives work to create a better opportunities for the advancement of our people.

We need a senator, exactly like Lisa Murkowski, who is strong enough to stand and fight against any anti-Native policies, sandwiched in any bills, being pushed through Congress by people like, Senator Claire McCaskill.

Senator Lisa Murkowski has been a champion for Native people. Yesterday at the polls, Alaska Natives championed Senator Lisa Murkowski!

Why does Lisa make a stand for the Native 8(a) Program? It is surely not because it is the popular thing to do. Senator Lisa Murkowski understands that Congress created the successful Native 8(a) Program and we shouldn't mess with success!

Keep up the good fight Senator Murkowski and know Alaska Natives will be there next to you!!

"Don't ever underestimate the power of a strong Alaskan Woman, maybe that's what I leave you with!" Lisa Murkowski to election central reporter on November 2, 2010.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Washington Post Misses the Mark on Native 8(a) Core Facts

It is a shame the Washingon Post printed story writer, Robert O'Harrow's unbalanced article in a front page spot. At best, his characterizations of Alaska Natives in government contracting demonstrates the need for the public to receive more accurate information regarding successful Native 8(a) businesses. Will the Washington Post step up to the plate to provide this balanced journalism??

O'Harrow blatantly states in his article,
Promises Unmet, that the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) promises remain unfilled. The problem with his under researched statement is that Congress is fulfilling the promise given to Alaska Natives by allowing them to participate in the Native 8(a) Program without bias or prejudice against them.

Congress promised Alaska Natives economic development opportunities in exchange for their millions of acres of oil-rich land, which was the Alaska Native's legal indigenous and historic land. Alaska Native Corporations (ANCs) have not asked for a hand-out from the government - but through the Native 8(a) Program have participated in the hand-up from Congress that was rightfully offered, and graciously taken.
This is called fulfilling the ANCSA promise.

Through ANCSA, Congress mandated Alaska Natives to form corporations to protect their indigenous lands and to provide economic benefits and opportunities to their Native shareholders. Think about it for a minute -- Most businesses or groups find a business they want to do and then incorporate. Alaska Natives were forced to incorporate and then go find a business. If the Alaska Native owned businesses goes bust then their indigenous sacred land is lost forever.


Remember, Alaska's indigenous people gave up trillions of dollars worth of land and resources for what they STILL BELIEVE is legislation that will be honored from Congress without bias or prejudice. The Native 8(a) Program is the missing piece of Congresses ANCSA fulfillment.

Alaskans live in a remote location. They don't have casino privileges as do Lower '48 Natives. Participation in the Native 8(a) Program was the solution to fulfill the ANCSA promise from Congress for this historically underprivileged group of people.

  • Are Alaska Native individuals rich from government contracting? No.
  • Are many Alaska Native's quality of life improved from educational benefits, job opportunities, dividends and cultural revitalization funding from ANC profits? Yes.
  • Are their children going to college with scholarship benefits provided from contracting revenues? Yes.
  • Will there be more native employee's at ANCs with each new generation after they benefit from training, education and development from business profits? Yes.
  • Are the majority of ANCs doing a excellent job in their line of business - government contracting? Yes.
  • So what's the problem? Nadda

  • Many Alaska Native Corporations excel at the government contracting business and receive rave reviews from the government.
  • As Native American Contractors Association (NACA) rightfully point out: "ANCs must submit a comprehensive proposal showing commensurate qualifications, past performance and the infrastructure required to successfully complete each contract award."
  • For a comprehensive list of facts visit:
This article represents the sole opinion of the author, Brenda Dukart.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

58 Members of House of Rep - Sign Letter Against Long Overdue Native Land Settlement

Fifty-Eight members of the House of Representatives succumbed to the media blitz put on by environmental special interest groups who would deny the Indigenous-owned corporation/people from receiving land entitled to them for settlement of their Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act legislation (ANCSA). This land settlement would have fulfilled the promise from Congress over from almost forty years ago.

These 58 members of Congress signed a letter that said Sealaska receiving this land would negatively impact the environment. Sealaska rightfully says the letter is "misleading" and "ill-informed."

If this legislation is passed, the bill would maintain and create jobs, while preserving old-growth trees. It will also put the land in the hands of the rightful indigenous caretakers. The Tongass National Forest is land that is made available for Native selection. Sealaska owners are the indigenous people of that region - therefore -- Let the People have the land that should be rightfully theirs. It is a no-brainer.

One member of Congress who see's clearly through the smoke, wrote a letter to get accurate information to the public and Congress. To read this letter find the link at this site: Don Young's letter.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Time to Act: Stand with Sealaska & Sign your Support for S881

Native Paint stands with Sealaska in support for S881. What is impressive about Sealaska is their progressive interest in green energy and affordable sustainable jobs for Southeast Alaska.

Sealaska has been a cornerstone of strength to Southeast Alaska. It is now time to stand with them. Whether you are on the East Coast or West Coast or in Alaska - NOW is the time to make a stand for this indigenous group. Help the United States demonstrate their evolution and fulfill their promise to the Sealaska people who are Native Americans.

Your successful support will:

*Return dozens of sacred sites to Native ownership forever.

*Continued public access as guaranteed under federal law.

*Help the United States Government become a keeper of their promise to Native Americans.

*Open the doors for sustainable affordable jobs with new green energy and eco-tourism projects.

*Help the Tongass gain 30,000 acres of old growth reserves.

Quick Facts

"Your Letter of Support"


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Alert sent from NACA: The Department of Defense is moving quickly to develop rules implementing Section 811 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2010 (Pub. L. No. 111-84). However, tribal consultations are necessary to evaluate any substantial direct effects of the procurement regulations that were not considered by Congress prior to enactment of Section 811.

We urge your tribe to sent a letter to OMB Director Orszag and Defense Secretary Gates urging them to engage in tribal consultations as required by Executive Order 13175 and cc your members of Congress. A draft letter is attached to this Legislative Alert. Tribal Consultation is a requirement for all agencies engaging in actions which may have tribal implications. Even if your tribe is not engaged in federal contracting, all agencies must be held accountable by tribes to engage in tribal consultation before taking an agency action. Please join us in urging the OMB, Department of Defense and Congress to comply with the Executive Order and Obama Presidential Memorandum signed November 5, 2009.

Section 811 of the Act requires all Federal agencies to provide written justification and approval for all sole-source awards above $20 million made pursuant to Section 8(a) of the Small Business Act. This new requirement changes long-standing small business statutory provisions, presently in 10 U.S.C. § 2304(f)(2), that exempt all 8(a) procurements from justification and approval requirements. Section 811 will have a direct impact on 8(a) firms owned by Tribes, Alaska Native Corporations, and Native Hawaiian organizations which are currently the only contractors in the 8(a) program eligible to receive sole-source contracts over $20 million. The revised justification and approval process that shall be applied government-wide will almost certainly create new regulatory burdens on these tribal-owned firms and could potentially discourage contracting officers from making sole-source awards to tribal-owned firms above this size as permitted under the Small Business Act. Because of these new regulations will be policies that have serious tribal implications, the agencies must consult with tribes before developing an interim or final regulation.

For more information, please contact Lael Echo-Hawk at or by phone at 202.756.2676.

Lael Echo-Hawk, Esq.
Legislative Director
Native American Contractors Association
1514 P St. N.W. Suite 2
Washington, DC 20005
P. (202) 758.2676 / C. (202) 536-8666

Friday, March 26, 2010

Standing for Native Hawaiians Strengthens Native Americans

Native Americans must continue to stand side-by-side on the front lines with Native Hawaiians to help pass the Senate version of The Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act (Akaka Bill). The Native Hawaiians have been fellow sojourners in our indigenous struggles. Their history is not unique to our own. A three fold cord is not easily broken. Native Hawaiians, Native Alaskans and Lower '48 Natives together are a force to be reckoned with if we stay united now and after this bill is passed.

Even though Native Alaskans and Native Americans are indigenous relatives - there are always internal and external forces that try to keep indigenous groups weakened and separated.

An internal example of seperation is a well respected national association that has a policy that doesn't allow indigenously owned Alaska Native corporations to participate on their board. Alaska Natives handle this oversight with grace and dignity, but it needs to change. Opening up their board to the Northern Natives will greatly strengthen the organization.

An external example of forces trying to divide indigenous people was special interest groups portraying the Native 8(a) program as an Alaska Native Corporation (ANC) only loophole. Alaska Natives corporations did not have the ability to have casino's so many, like Chugach Alaska Corporation, participated in the Native 8(a) Program earlier than most tribes. ANCs had to find a way to make money or they would lose their indigenous land. Fortunately many tribes now successfully participate in the 8(a) program and have united with the Native Alaskans to bring the public information to preserve the program.

The main point is that it is important to support our indigenous friends and relatives even if they are not on the continental United States. Thinking Global is thinking strong.

Standing with the Hawaiians, helping them when they need it, embracing them as indigenous relatives, asking them for help when we need it, will exponentially increase our strength and healing. Our indigenous diversity is an asset that must be cultivated.

I have had the great priviledge to live next door to a friend who happens to be Native Hawaiian. I can tell you that we are kindred spirits. Similiarly, on a mass scale, there is no doubt - that the borders of Indian Country will also be enlarged when WE continue to open their hearts to our Native Hawaiian relatives by continued support.

Contact your senator and tell them to support the Akaka Bill.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

United States Representative Don Young Says its Time to Seal the Deal Congress Made Sealaska 39 Years Ago!

At the House Natural Resources Committee hearing today, the United States Representative Don Young, with both passion and conviction, reminded the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that the Native-owned Sealaska corporation is entitled to their land promised to them in the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) by the United States Congress 39 YEARS AGO! The Tongass Forest is the land of Sealaska's forefathers. It is a perfect selection for this Native entity.

Young valiantly challenged BLM to support Sealaska and cut the red tape. He underscored this with the fact that the United States of America has been through seven Presidents and seven Secretaries of the Interior since this legislation was enacted.

Representative Young did not speak to BLM out of something he researched and then "cut and pasted" into a speech for the hearing. He did not need anyone to prepare talking points for him. Young has lived with and witnessed the intense struggle of the Native Americans indigenous to Alaska. Watching Young valiantly stand-up for what Congress promised the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian Indians of Sealaska 39 Years ago reminded many proud Alaskans of why they elected him.

Like a lot of past and present citizens in Southeast Alaska, many of Sealaska executives and directors, hunt and fish on Sealaska land. They are not going to turn it into Mars as the XYZ Society would have you believe. They love the land. It is their life blood. Sealaska is not a cold hard corporation. Because Sealaska is a conscientious Native corporation there is almost a biological element to the corporation that brings balance not just to the books - but to the land. Support S. 881 and H.R. 2099.

As a society it is time evolve. As a society it is time to grow up. As a society it is time to honor our promises to Native Americans. Sealaska has a right to fulfill their land settlement that was agreed upon and promised to them 39 years ago. It doesn't matter if elite special interest groups like it or not. When a deal is made, a deal should be honored by an honorable country. As a person of honor, as a society of honor -- it is time to seal the deal for Sealaska!

Brenda Dukart

Watch Representative Young's admonishment to BLM at the hearing.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"Sealaska is Tongess Land Caretaker of Choice"

Sealaska, the indigenous caretakers - of THEIR indigenous land, have over well over 20,000 Native shareholders who provide a checks and balance for the corporation. Native American's do not want their land to be taken care of in a harmful manner. It is their lifeblood. Sealaska is made up of these indigenous caretakers and they will look out for their own land better than the Wilderness Society could.

Have you ever asked Sealaska if they planted any new healthy trees? Trees Sealaska had begun replanting in 1982 grew to fifty feet tall and eight inches thick, and about 150,000 seedlings would be planted on 1,000 acres in the following year.

Sealaska does not hatchet the Circle of Life - they help complete it. Trees left to disease or beetle infestation are targets for great uncontrollable forest fires. Responsible land management is expected for Sealaska and they live up to their responsibility.

The Forest Services says, "Forest management can be consistent with wildlife objectives. There are especially bright prospects for partial cutting on the Tongass. Managing for a mosaic of forest patches has been suggested for deer in southeast Alaska. In addition, recent work suggests that certain types of partial cutting conserves deer habitat and old-growth structure, while maintaining the health of the forest."

Lets understand Sealaska's natural green disposition before jumping to conclusions. Sealaska is looking out for the generations of the future and so you can trust they will manage their land with that in mind. As stated, the land is the life blood of Sealaska's people: the Tlingit, Haida and Tshimshian' Sierra Club you should sleep like a baby tonight.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sealaska Corporation Set To Receive Promised Land - Critics Balk

Sealaska, an Alaska Native corporation (ANC) set to receive land entitlement in 2010 from the 1972 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) legislation. They gave up 17 million acres in trade for 375,000 acres. It is less than one percent of all land conveyed to Natives in ANCSCA.

Critics who have a problem with this entitlement are no better than the gold/land grubbing greedy expansionists who broke treaty with Native American's years ago. Native American's, which of course include Alaska Natives, have given up so much for the United States. Our country must live up to their word to Native Americans. As a society it is time to evolve not revolve.

For more information check out this excellent February 18, 2010 article by Chris McNeil Jr. at the Juneau Empire:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Don't miss networking the Native American Contractors Association at Res 2010 in Las Vegas.