Wednesday, August 4, 2010

58 Members of House of Rep - Sign Letter Against Long Overdue Native Land Settlement

Fifty-Eight members of the House of Representatives succumbed to the media blitz put on by environmental special interest groups who would deny the Indigenous-owned corporation/people from receiving land entitled to them for settlement of their Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act legislation (ANCSA). This land settlement would have fulfilled the promise from Congress over from almost forty years ago.

These 58 members of Congress signed a letter that said Sealaska receiving this land would negatively impact the environment. Sealaska rightfully says the letter is "misleading" and "ill-informed."

If this legislation is passed, the bill would maintain and create jobs, while preserving old-growth trees. It will also put the land in the hands of the rightful indigenous caretakers. The Tongass National Forest is land that is made available for Native selection. Sealaska owners are the indigenous people of that region - therefore -- Let the People have the land that should be rightfully theirs. It is a no-brainer.

One member of Congress who see's clearly through the smoke, wrote a letter to get accurate information to the public and Congress. To read this letter find the link at this site: Don Young's letter.